Heritage Trails Park District invites you to explore Kuffner Nature Preserve for a spring wildflower hike!
Enjoy a self-guided hike along the wooded trails of Kuffner Nature Preserve, where numerous species of Ohio’s native wildflowers can be found. Signage will be located along the trail to help you identify wildflowers first-hand.
Hike at your own pace, learn as you go along, and spend some quality time outdoors!
Kuffner Nature Preserve is located at : 14840 County Road 66A, just north of St.Marys. Interpretive signage will be up from April 25 – May 1st, but we invite you to experience the wildflowers at Kuffner Preserve any week this spring!
The hiking paths at Kuffner Preserve are a flat, level terrain, suitable for all to use. Be sure to wear proper footwear however, the trails do get muddy in the spring!
We also ask that you please:
-Stay on the trail. Doing so protects this precious wildflower habitat!
-Take nothing, leave nothing. Please carry in & carry out all trash, and please do not pick the wildflowers.
-Share your photos and wildflower hike experience with us on Facebook @HeritageTrailsParkDistrict or email us at info@htparks.org.
Get outdoors & enjoy spring!